Sunday, October 9, 2011

Middle of Semester

      Six weeks into the semester and I am still here. That is a good sign. The beginning of learning on-line teaching has had its challenges. Overall there have been good experiences, with each lesson and my learning has been enhanced. The session began with explaining the differences in levels of on line learning. I was excited when I created my avatar that was the first time I attempted to do something like that. Normally I would have had one of my daughters help me do it, but this time I followed the instructions and completed it by myself. YEAH ME. Making my own blog was fun as well. Some people in the class had blogs or were used to reading blogs and maybe even commenting on them.   I had not done any of that. So the experience was new to me. I had fun doing it but realized later that I could have been more creative with me.  Constructivism and high touch high tech was very interesting to learn about. Within this module I learned some tips on how to use both concepts in the online environment. Then we explored both learning and teaching styles. Within the learning style disabled persons and online learning and teaching was divulged. My thoughts on the differences of online learning were correct. It is always good to validate your thoughts.         
     Next we ventured into learning styles. I was pleased to find out that I am not a visual/verbal learner. For many years I considered myself to be a tactile/kinesthetic learner. I had to have things in front of me and touch them in order to really grasp the concept. That made my journey to be a nurse a little difficult at times. Thank God I made and no longer need to touch things or have hands on activities to understand. During the learning style lesson there was a component about persons with disabilities and how they fit into on line learning. Unfortunately most of us in the class had not thought about the disabled in the on line learning environment even though each of our classes at GSU have a statement regarding persons with disabilities. The things we take for granted is an understatement. It was wonderful to learn that they have the same opportunities as others. We read a compelling story about a blind woman that not only mastered on line learning but she is an instructor and took the same certification class I am now in to teach online classes. I admire her courageousness and not letting her disability keep her from fulfilling her dreams. We also watched a video on youtube where the man instructed the viewer how on the blind can benefit from usage of the computer and tools they use as their eyes. Good example of learning styles
     Then we moved onto teaching styles. I had no idea what teaching I am. I know that I enjoy building relationships with my students and be an ever present resource in their cell phones even when they are done with my class. My scores ranged from 1.1 to 4.8 which make me a well-rounded instructor. How exciting that is to me. Since teaching is second in line of my passions in my career of nursing it is important to me to not only be an effective teacher but a teacher that understands what the students are going through and present information to them in a format that that would best achieve that. When reviewing learning styles we were challenged to describe how we would teach to the different learning styles. Since my teaching style is well rounded I shouldn’t have a hard time reaching the various learning styles. This video was a sign of the times and shows how far we have come with teaching styles. It would make the student of today laugh at what we endured then as opposed to know.
    The part of this section I liked the least was the group project. It was so difficult trying to communicate with the team members online. I was not satisfied with the end product because I am used to putting out excellent products not god ones. I was named the team captain however, I backed down when another member of the team seemingly took charge, which is something I should have never done. What I learned from this first of all if I am in charge I identified early how we are going to communicate and set deadlines for assignment sections to be completed. Then I check on the team members daily to see if I can be of some assistance to them. If I am not the team leader I will do my part of the assignment and have it ready before the deadline so each team member will time to review and give me feedback. The hardest part of team projects to me is having people in the group that are not true team players and do not take constructive criticism well. We made and through and to be perfectly honest I am not looking forward to the next one. But I will do my part and be a great team member.
   And finally this first segment introduced us to live classrooms and they can be utilized. I found in my readings that the live classroom or synchronous environment will be a great process for team members to use. Unfortunately, the technical elements need to be tested each time before the assigned session. I found this to be a problem for me. Sometimes for whatever reason I can get into the classroom and other times I can’t. It can however, be available tool if all group members can be on line at the same time. Archived sessions are ok but don’t allow for members to ask questions. Speaker sessions are also good for synchronous or live classroom settings.
     Overall this first half of class has been very good. I look forward to completing and moving on the next session. One thing about me when I decide to do something I press on until it is done. I really like the online environment so I am going to figure out ways to get acquainted with my students so I can still give them that special touch side of me that I love to share.

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