Sunday, March 25, 2012



     This facilitation week was most enjoyable, I felt like a real online instructor. I also enjoyed the Wimba live classroom session and got a feel for keeping my presence noted on the discussion board. My partner and I were so excited about facilitating that we built the entire module only to find out that we didn’t need to do all of that. The experience as a whole was a great one. It gave me an even better idea of what online teaching is about because we built the module. Finding appropriate resources for lesson content was challenging but eye opening.

     The synchronous session was approached from the items we were using for our lecturette and other readings. I like to use power points for power points and then elaborate with spoken word. I was pleased with the amount of participants at our live Wimba classroom session and the feedback that we received. I was concerned that there was going to be some technical issues. I played around with Wimba so that I would be comfortable to the functionality. Even still as the class began I was still nervous that something was going to go wrong, sure enough we had a minor glitz the instructor reminded us to start the recording and we still forgot. After then everything was smooth sailing. I talk fast so when teaching I have to pay to pay close attention to how fast I am talking.

     Asynchronous facilitating went well also. I watched the discussion board for a few days giving the students a chance to post and start the dialogues. Then I posted my response and started to reply to some of their post and ask questions to stimulate even deeper thought processes. Lesson learned from this was when teaching I need to set days of the week for initial post, that way all students will have an opportunity to get responses to their initial post.
   This experience has me on tiptoes of anticipation of having my own online classes.